Intracytoplasmic sperm injection or microinjection when the male sperm is not in terms of number, mobility, shape and quality at a good and acceptable level and multiple IVF fertilization is not a result of pregnancy.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection procedure
For Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, a sperm injected from the male into the egg is injected from the woman, which provides fertilization and embryo formation. In practice, intra-oocyte sperm injection, such as the IVF technique, involves ovarian stimulation, ovulation, intraperitoneal sperm injection, and fertilization and embryo transfer. Initially, hormonal drugs are used to stimulate the oocytes. For this purpose, intramuscular injections of HMG mumps are used to grow follicles and from intramuscular injection of HCG mumps for oocyte maturation and ovulation.
Secondly, through laparoscopy or vaginal (with ultrasound observations), ovulation is performed from the mother. In the next step, the oocyte cells are isolated and then sperm injection is done. To increase the success rate of microinjection technique, the number of eggs cultivated is usually more than one. If embryos are created, if these embryos have good quality, some of them are frozen and kept in consultation with couples so that they can be used in future pregnancies if needed. At the last stage of the fetus, it is transmitted by a cortter to the mother’s womb. At this stage, the mother does not need anesthesia and will be discharged 1 to 2 hours after the embryo transfer.
Benefits of Intracytoplasmic sperm
The first advantage of sperm motility is that in the presence of even a healthy sperm from a male, it is possible to do this. Even in the absence of uterine tubes in the mother, this can be done. The only limitation is that in women over 40 years of age, because the quality of the eggs is low, pregnancy can be reduced.
Post op cares
Usually, 1 to 2 hours after the transfer of the fetus, the mother is discharged from the hospital. It is best for the mother to refrain from activities that make her tired for 3 to 4 days after surgery. The necessity for the success of intraperitoneal sperm injection is that the mother has a mental and psychological relaxation and not be tense or anxious. 10 to 12 days after the operation, the patient can check his or her pregnancy by referring to the laboratory and performing a blood test for BHCG.